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The Foundation for Support to Missing Persons – Apolinário Munguambe (FAM), is a non-profit legal entity governed by private law, based in the city of Maputo and operating throughout the national territory.
The Foundation’s main objective is to help locate and restore victims of civil and criminal disappearances to their origin, as well as contributing to the social stability of victims and their families.
To be an institution of reference and excellence in the collection, recording and sharing of information, in a timely manner, on the missing person to its proper location.
Help in locating and returning victims of civil and criminal disappearances to their origins, through the creation of a national registry of the missing person that allows consultation of all interested parties.
The Apolinário Munguambe Foundation is guided by the values and principles of solidarity, respect and safeguarding human life, and its employees are required to be courteous, humble, honest and diligent in the pursuit of the functions inherent to the Foundation’s purpose.