What is DJULA?
DJULA is an electronic tool for registering and consulting missing persons, free of charge and which works online, created by Fundação Apolinario Munguambe.
In it, an instrument, the registration of disappeared persons is carried out throughout the national territory, helping in the search for people in a situation of disappearance and/or identification of missing persons.
Although DJULA’s work does not replace police expertise, it can, through joint work, assist in locating the missing person. For this purpose, a registration form is available, as well as the e-mail info@fam.org.mz, to which a photo of the missing person can be sent, in order to compose the registration and disseminate it on the social networks of FAM and its partners.
As soon as you realize that a family member has disappeared, go to a Police Station to register the occurrence. It is not necessary to wait 24 hours. Immediately register the Occurrence, as this is the document that officially triggers the investigation of a disappearance.
If the missing person returns or is found, report this to the police station as soon as possible.
If you have gone through all these steps and the disappearance persists, keep in regular contact with the public bodies that work for the reunion.
It is worth mentioning that Djula can assist in locating family members of the person located, who was previously in a missing situation.
How to use Djula?
To get started, download and install the application available for Android at this link or go to the play store and search for Djula.