What is FAM

What is FAM?

The Foundation for Support to Missing Persons – Apolinário Munguambe (FAM), is a non-profit legal entity governed by private law, based in the city of Maputo and operating throughout the national territory, established for an indefinite period.

The Foundation’s main objective is to help locate victims of civilian and criminal disappearances, and restore them to their origin, supporting the social stability of victims and their families.

The Foundation’s specific objectives are the fight against human trafficking, trafficking in human organs, the disappearance of children with the aim of turning them into child soldiers, kidnappings (including children in hospitals, albino people and people with baldness), false imprisonment, kidnappings and other forms of disappearance that imply the deprivation of liberty of the person.

In pursuit of its desideratum, the Foundation articulates and joins efforts with other institutions of private or public law, dedicated to combating the above described evils or that, in a certain way, can help in the achievement of its objectives.

Such institutions are: the Police of the Republic of Mozambique, the National Migration Service, the Tax Authority of Mozambique, the National Border Guard Service, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Human Development, the Ministry of Justice, the Attorney General’s Office General of the Republic, the National Institute of Social Action, the Association of Municipalities of Mozambique, Municipalities, Television Stations, Mobile Telephone Companies, Radio Stations, Religious Confessions and other individuals and legal entities, as well as public and private , that can help the Foundation in the pursuit of its intentions.

For a better articulation with the aforementioned institutions, the signing of memoranda of understanding is foreseen to share experiences and information of mutual benefit.